PIP 019: The Relevance of the self- concept to building a Unique Personal Brand

Hello and welcome to the Personal Innovation Podcast with me Eric Seyram. Brought to you by personalinnovationhub.com, the platform that ignites your Dreams, Passions, Careers and Impact. This podcast is committed to getting you to think bigger about who you are, what you do and how you can impact the world in a unique way.   I am stoked as always to have you at the listening side. In this episode I would like us to talk about The Relevance of the self- concept to building a Unique Personal Brand. Lets start with a quote by Mark Kingsbury of Research International “Consumers know how to ‘connect’ with a brand that has character, they know what it stands for and they also know what it’s not trying to be.” I strongly believe you must know your self to grow your self. Knowing one’s self is an essential starter for building a strong and unique personal branding. The success and failure of most people have been closely linked to how they become aware of their capabilities and potentials. Most of us however hardly find time to identify our capabilities and develop our potentials resulting in loss of self-confidence, failures and frustrations in life. In the bid to build a strong unique selling persona and image, it is important for you to identity yourself ( achieve self-awareness) cultivate positive thinking, develop your abilities and talents, and recognise personal values to set and accomplish goals. Thats what personal innovation is all about. It is sad many of us are not prepared to face the truth about ourselves, and we pretend to be what we are not. I am sure you ever met people who may want to show off, that they come from rich homes; or are worthy, others may speak locally acquired foreign ascents, or act and dress like celebrities or super stars when they are not and cannot live up to the standards financially and charismatically. This is a portrayal of a false self-identity or image. These people are mostly people with low self-esteem, lack self-confidence, failed to discover their individual capabilities and are very much bent on covering this up by making people perceive them differently for their own personality. The idea, perception and knowledge that you hold to be true about yourself consisting of a combination of values, beliefs thoughts, abilities and feelings is termed self-concept. Even though we are born without knowledge about ourselves it is vital to always strive to learn and understand ourselves and other people around us better. Knowing your self is not an event but a process. The concept develops throughout our lifetime starting from childhood, improving through everyday life experience and relations with other people we meet in our homes, communities, schools, and workplaces. Search within for the true you today and when you find it, express it loudly to the world and live your life as a love story.   That is the personal innovation style. This has been your motivational personal innovation podcast with me Eric Seyram, bought to you by personalinnovationhub.com Subscribe to download and listen to the Personal Innovation Podcast on iTunes, stitcher, tunedin, and other podcasting platforms because theres more to come. Subscribe to receive regular updates from www.personalinnovationhub.com , follow me on twitter @SirEricSeyramA and on Facebook : facebook.com/personalinnovationhub Remember to leave your comments bellow, rate and review the show on iTunes, and share this episode with friends who need to hear it. sharing they say is caring. Stand out and shine to the world.

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