PIP 016: How to talk about your Self and Career to attract new clients.
In this Episode, I would like us to get into how to introduce your self to people so they become interested in working with you. By now you know that “ people do not buy what you sell they buy why you sell it”. Most of us make the mistake by calling our selves or describing our selves in a very generic way, without stating our unique value, how different we are from every one else and what specifically we help people to achieve. When you meet people at that conference, that networking event or that industry meet up, and all other places that presents an opportunity to initiate new relationships with people who might become your paying clients or introduce you to others who need your services, It will require you to introduce your self. How do you talk about what you do? Remember at this point it is always important to introduce your self in a way that sparks a conversation that can lead to a genuine interest in you and what you do, so you can offer something of benefit to this person in return for a benefit for yourself. If you ever introduced your self by saying, “I am a lawyer, I am a graphic designer, I am a coach, I am a consultant, I am a doctor, I am a fashion designer,I am an educationist,- the reaction will be “oh nice to meet you’ and it ends there. You need to understand that these are generic titles, there are many people who will call themselves by the same names. How different are you from all others who do the same things you do? Well I have a cousin, a neighbour or a colleague who does what you do. Why should I leave him for you? You most often will not be able to continue a conversation with this person. Why? Because you have not said anything that is new and could get him to respond: wow! how do you do that? is that possible? Sounds interesting can you tell me more? How can I also start enjoying your service? Next time you have an opportunity to talk about what you do, your goal should be to attract attention, give information to arouse interest and desire and get people to take action. The key questions you need to ask your self are; “What am I passionate about? whats are my unique believes? What are my frustrations about life and what solutions do I have for the problems around? How does it benefit people and How can you change the world with it? Lets get practical here and I will talk about what I do…… First of all I will not tell you; I am a coach, consultant, blogger and a podcaster. I will tell you why I do what I do. like this: “I am a dreamer, a believer in dreams- no matter how small, with a big thinking mind, always learning to grow and an extra-large, compassionate heart that is all for you, because I yearn to see you grow, stand out and shine to the world. Differentiate Your Self, Be Valuable and Live Your Life as a love story” Sounds a bit fuzzy? well what if I add this; I am deeply excited and motivated when working with people who are starting or leading personal, professional, societal and spiritual revolutions, I help them create movements and innovations with potential to leave a dent on the universe. I could still say; I inspire people to change the world by doing work they love. I help ignite your personal brand power by identifying • Who you are • What you offer the world in a unique way • And why people would be interested I make people fall in love with you, follow you, and pay more for what you have to offer. I make you stand out, highly differentiated and valuable. My commitment to you is to make you live your life as a love story. If you want more, then I will tell you: My career is focused on the human side of branding. I work with entrepreneurs, professionals and organisations to help them use their personal brands to stand out and expand their success. I assist senior leaders to build their executive brands so they can make indelible marks on the organisations they lead. And I work with organisations to leverage their human brand assets for greater employee satisfaction, stronger brands and bottom-line results. Thinking of the SPECIFICS OF WHAT I DO? I am focused on delivering branding strategies for individuals who are looking to stand out and achieve career and business success. I will Help you undertake a detailed analysis of your online presence, including your website and social networks, with feedback on what you’re doing right and what can be improved. I will help you to design and implement: – A Customised Personal brand architecture. – Personal Brand Marketing and integrated Communication Plans. – On-line Presence Design and Management. – Public Relations. – Online and Offline Image Reputation Management. So how does all these benefit you? Getting you noticed, respected and appreciated is what I am all about. My expertise and professionalism allows me to suggest to you and guide you through the implementation of promotional strategies that differentiate and makes you stand out from the crowd. THERE’S MORE TO IT I Help Design a brand strategy to help position you as an expert in your field, with an innovative marketing and integrated communications plan with ideas on how to promote you, online, through PR, advertising, social media and more. How does this matter to the world? The world will be a better place if all of us are passionate about what we do and live our lives as a love story. So…….. These are my contacts in case you are interested. Coaching@personalinnovationhub.com or consulting@sirericseyram.com Visit my website for more: www.personalinnovationhub.com Call: +233 (0) 244862320, +233 (0) 208067119 WhatsApp: +233 (0) 243062198 This has been your motivational personal innovation podcast with me Eric Seyram, bought to you by personalinnovationhub.com Subscribe to download and listen to the Personal Innovation Podcast on iTunes, stitcher, tunedin, and other podcasting platforms because theres more to come. Subscribe to receive regular updates from www.personalinnovationhub.com , follow me on twitter @SirEricSeyramA and on Facebook : facebook.com/personalinnovationhub Remember to leave your comments bellow, rate and review the show on iTunes, and share this episode with friends who need to hear it. sharing they say is caring. Stand out and shine to the world.
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