PIP 011: Why you must become a leader.

In this episode I want to tell you: Why you must become a leader. Are you scared of leadership? Do you tell your self ; “I am not cut out for leadership?” In the world of work, we have two types of people. There are those who are leaders and there are those who are followers. This has been the tradition, our way of life, our orientation, our psychological make up and the structure of the world. There has always been an emperor, a king, a governor, a president, a father; whose commands are final, who virtually thinks for us and decides for us. Leadership was a preserve for a certain group and calibre of people, Traditionally, there is a Royal family, whose descendants take up the leadership mantle. This is surely a good thing. It ensures law and order, it is our heritage, it is our culture. It is beautiful. Well, today as the world is changing, leadership is been redefined, diffused and liberalised. and no matter who you are, what you do and where you are from; You can lead and be followed. You can lead a movement, a revolution, and a tribe that impacts the world in a unique way, through social media for instance. Thats what am talking about. We are in the age of Personal Innovation. Personal Innovation is all about leading. its about being seen as a category authority. it is about taking actions that can be emulated, replicated and beneficial to the world. This is all made possible through what you do. Your Dreams, Your Passions, Your Career and Impact. At your place of work, what ever it is you do; Think about this: Are Yo u Designing the Bricks or Moving Them? Are you preparing the meal or you are eating it. Just as we have leaders and followers. At the world of work, there are creators and there are users. Which one are you? You may be thinking eating the meal is a better position to be than cooking the meal. This kind of thinking is why; followers are many and leaders are few and theres is a popular believe out there, that “not all people can become leaders”. Change your mind set today and start thinking about becoming a leader. Think about becoming the one who cooks the meal not the one who only eats. What happens when the cook is no more? will you starve to death? The world of work will always need people who are moving the bricks from point A to B. There will always be the need for factory workers and labourers. there will always be employees no doubt. There is absolutely no lack of people who are willing and more than happy to follow instructions and comply. But what I need you to realize is that, you don’t have to be the one who moves the bricks. You can be the one designing the bricks. In 1940, the world desperately wanted factory workers. In 1980, the world desperately wanted middle-managers. Today, the world desperately wants and needs leaders and visionaries. Doers, change agents, Builders and creators. This definitely is where the opportunity lies for you. Don’t miss it. Start work on your Personal brand today. I believe in the Pareto Principle of the 80/20 Rule, which says that in anything a few people; about 20 percent are vital and the rest 80 percent are trivial. Be part of the 20 percent of the population, that is vital so you can earn 80 percent of the world’s income more than your colleagues, 80 percent of the market, 80 percent of the world’s respect, recognition, credibility, Likability, following and loyalty as you strive to be a unique selling brand. There is one way to achieving these; which is personal Innovation. Personal Innovation will help you to Master your inner gift, Create your own future, live your life as a love story and shine to the world. Today is your future, because today will define your tomorrow. Act now. This has been your motivational personal innovation podcast with me Eric Seyram, bought to you by personalinnovationhub.com Thank you for listening till the end. Subscribe to Personal Innovation Podcast on iTunes, stitcher tunedin, souncloud and other podcasting platforms because theres more to come. Subscribe to receive regular updates from www.personalinnovationhub.com , follow me on twitter @SirEricSeyramA and on Facebook facebook.com/personalinnovation Remember to leave your comments bellow, review the show on iTunes, and this episode to friends who need to hear it. sharing they say is caring. Be different, Stand out and shine to the world

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