
Showing posts from 2018

Start Building a future proof career Today

Check out this episode!

How Kumasi Hive Is Helping StartUp Entrepreneurs to Connect, Innovate and Grow

Check out this episode!

What is Your Passion?

Check out this episode!

Wake Up With Your Dreams

Check out this episode!

How Dext Technology is Helping to Facilitate a Practical Approach to Education In Africa

Check out this episode!

How to Use The Power of Multiple Talents and Team work for Start Up Success

Check out this episode!

PIP 034: How I Am Giving Voice to The Voiceless through My Career as A DeafPreneur”- Kow Cornelius.

Check out this episode!

PIP 008: How to Promote your Personal Brand to the benefit of your Small Business: An Honest Chat With Adu-Amaning, CEO of AduAmani Klodin.

I was glad to host Vera Adu- Amaning on this weeks episode of your favourite personal innovation hub. In this very interesting chat, she shared her journey as an entrepreneur and how her personal brand and the use of social media has aided her success as a small businesses owner. There are great lessons to be learnt. Make sure you subscribe to this podcast and look out for more of this great interviews that will get you thinking bigger about who you are, what you do and how you can impact the world in a great way. Bellow is a profile of Adu Vera-Amani “I am a Marketing enthusiast I am visionary entreprenuer I use social media in my day-to-day life” Vera Adu-Amaning is a very creative Ghanaian entrepreneur who takes initiative of branding herself by effectively marketing her products and services globally via social media. In 2015, Adu Amani’s ,(as she is popularly known), hairstyle to “chalewote 2015” became a talk on social media which is still trending and creatively compared to the...

How To Nurture Your Passion For Writing To Achieve Your Career Dreams

Check out this episode!

PIP 024: How Disqualification From The Army Landed Afi Antonio A Promising Modelling and Social Impact Career

Hello my lovely #YounovationFamily. This is another interesting episode of your motivational Personal Innovation Podcast featuring; Philomena Esinam Afi Antonio. She is a Model/ TV Show Producer/ Presenter and actress. She is also the founder of Solar4girls. In this episode Afi shared with us how she got disqualified from becoming a soldier but went on to create a career for her self as a model, and a social enterprise project that is built on her passion of putting smiles on people's faces. Afi Antonio: "Solar4girls is an initiative to eradicate kerosene lanterns, candles, bobo etc from off grid communities so that students can learn extra hours at night. My team and I contribute and solicit for help from friends through social media campaigns.   The amount realized we use some to buy solar lamps, some as transport to the villages where we donate the lamps to JHS final year students. These students live it areas with no electricity at all (no sign of electricity) we have be...

PIP 023: How Technology and the desire to impact got Benjamin Dzamesi to start High School Gh.

In this episode of your motivational personal innovation podcast,  I am glad to present to you Benjamin Dzamesi a Change Agent, Social Entrepreneur, Leadership Enthusiast and a Digital Tech Lover. He is the Founder and Director of Graphics Media Hype and HighSchoolGh.Com. He has over the past 8 years increased ROI on small to medium sized businesses in Ghana through local knowledge in the market and expertise. He is keen to use new media and digital technology to empower and drive social & economic change among African youth.   His organisation: HighSchoolGh is a youth organisation connecting Ghanaian teens to relevant, useful and reliable information and resources to help them live better and healthier lifestyle, develop their voice to empower them become successful, prudent and independent individuals, entrepreneurs and change leaders in the society. In our discussion Benjamin dropped tons of value as follows: Passion : It is very important to be pas...

PIP 022: Creating a career of social Impact With Evans Ofori Gyebi

In this episode I had an interesting conversation with Evans ofori Gyebi. Evans just completed high school but has started leaving his life as a love story. He is the executive president of a youth empowerment organization called the elevate network. Evans Ofori Gyebi is on a mission to shift our culture. He has started a movement to empower Ghanaian youth, and to give them the tools & strategies necessary to elevate every area of their life and business. Evans truly believes that the more people you are able to influence and help succeed, the more successful you in turn, will become. Stay humble, but NEVER lose your hunger. Listen to his story and where he is heading towards. Key Lessons from this episode  Even if you think you are ordinary you can still become influential and impact the world. We all have to live our dreams. Become a doer today Become a part of the creative system. Go out and create something today. Just create an impact and money will come chasing You...

PIP 021: How to develop your self image.

Hello and welcome to the Personal Innovation Podcast with me your evangelist; Eric Seyram. This show is brought to you by, the platform that ignites your Dreams, Passions, Careers and Impact. This podcast is committed to getting you to think bigger about who you are, what you do and how you can impact the world in a unique way. If you need to contact me, email;, Tweet at me @SirEricSeyramA, like our page on facebook; and visit our website; In this episode lets delve more into who we are by looking at the Components of the self-concept so we can rightly appreciate our selves and how others perceive us better. The first component of your self that we can look at is your Physical self: This is how you see yourself, it is how you think or know you look like. For instance you may be short, tall, fat, slim, fair or dark in complexion, white or black, physically b...

PIP 020: Why you need to work on your Self Esteem in building a strong personal brand.

In this episode we are talking about Why you need to work on your self esteem in building a strong personal brand. It is important to note that having high self-esteem is not about being arrogant or bragging about what you have and your achievements. But it is taking stock of what kind of person you are in life. Self-esteem also does not shield you from low self-confidence, uneasiness and fear. It simply makes it easier to stand and handle problems. High self-esteem gives you a sense of control over life. It helps you to know that your body, your mind, feelings do not belong to others and that you do not live up to other peoples wishes or expectations. Self-esteem therefore allows you to set reasonable expectations for yourself and to pursue your goals. People with high self-esteem are usually found to be happy and confident. They may be pleased with their abilities, skills and achievements. They are also cordial, friendly and show respect for other people’s views. Such people are also...

PIP 019: The Relevance of the self- concept to building a Unique Personal Brand

Hello and welcome to the Personal Innovation Podcast with me Eric Seyram. Brought to you by, the platform that ignites your Dreams, Passions, Careers and Impact. This podcast is committed to getting you to think bigger about who you are, what you do and how you can impact the world in a unique way.   I am stoked as always to have you at the listening side. In this episode I would like us to talk about The Relevance of the self- concept to building a Unique Personal Brand. Lets start with a quote by Mark Kingsbury of Research International “Consumers know how to ‘connect’ with a brand that has character, they know what it stands for and they also know what it’s not trying to be.” I strongly believe you must know your self to grow your self. Knowing one’s self is an essential starter for building a strong and unique personal branding. The success and failure of most people have been closely linked to how they become aware of their capabilities and potentials...

PIP 018: Building a Personal brand through Personal Innovation.

In this episode I would like us to get into the end result of Personal Innovation. If you've been following this podcast, you will realise I am an Evangelist and a strong advocate for personal innovation. I always like to make the point that, we all need to possess the ability to see new opportunities where others don’t, create new positions and careers that never existed, while undergoing continuous learning and adapting to economic change. On this premise, I have always asked you to start thinking bigger about what you have to offer to your market in a unique and a more powerful way and as a result drive emotions, follower-ship, loyalty, credibility, trust, likability, love, authority and above all earn a great deal of a living on your passion/ doing work you love. What Personal Innovation helps you to achieve is a very strong unique selling Personal Brand. But what does personal branding mean to you? Is it wearing of fancy and expensive cloths ? Posting of your pictures on socia...

PIP 017: Why You Must Stop living a comfortable life and live a passionate life.

Hello and welcome to the Personal Innovation Podcast with me Eric Seyram. This podcast is Brought to you by, the platform that ignites your Dreams, Passions, Careers and Impact. This Podcast is committed to getting you to think bigger about who you are, what you do and how you can impact the world in a unique way. In this episode I want us to think about some few questions. Do you want a Comfortable or a Passionate life? What is a fulfilling life to you? What does success mean to you? The industrial economy got us all thinking about jobs that uses our physical energy to create things and move goods from production to consumers. Work for life means doing same work; perhaps at that same organisation till retirement. For the average worker, high performance is judged by how many goods are produced or moved from one place to the other. We get paid based on this measure and the more productive you can get the higher you earn. The more time and effort you dedicate t...

PIP 016: How to talk about your Self and Career to attract new clients.

In this Episode, I would like us to get into how to introduce your self to people so they become interested in working with you. By now you know that “ people do not buy what you sell they buy why you sell it”.   Most of us make the mistake by calling our selves or describing our selves in a very generic way, without stating our unique value, how different we are from every one else and what specifically we help people to achieve. When you meet people at that conference, that networking event or that industry meet up, and all other places that presents an opportunity to initiate new relationships with people who might become your paying clients or introduce you to others who need your services, It will require you to introduce your self. How do you talk about what you do? Remember at this point it is always important to introduce your self in a way that sparks a conversation that can lead to a genuine interest in you and what you do, so you can offer something of benefit to this pe...

PIP 015: The “why” of what you do matters to the world.

Hello and welcome to the Personal Innovation Podcast with me Eric Seyram. This podcast is Brought to you by, the platform that ignites your Dreams, Passions, Careers and Impact. I am optimistic that through this podcast and the other offers on , you will start thinking bigger about your personal brand and what you have to offer to your market in a unique and a more powerful way and as a result drive emotions, follower-ship, loyalty credibility, trust, likability, love, authority and above all earn a great deal of a living on your passion/ doing work you love. In this Episode, I would like us to get into the “why of what you do because it matters to the world. why do you do what you do? why would people bother dealing with you or choose you over others? Start thinking about why you do what you do today because it is what will resonate with your audience and hopefully push them to love you and want to work with you. No matter who you ar...

PIP 014: Approaching life with an open and creative mindset.

This episode is all about: Approaching life with an open and creative mindset. This world is complex and living in it requires a high level of readiness to deal with these complexities and the daily challenges that we might face.   Credits to William Shakespeare; This world is said to be a stage and all men are players or performers. We all have our exits and our entrance onto this stage. As is the case, our performance, our creativity and showmanship is what determines how the world will react towards us; either with cheers or boos.   As if thats not challenging enough, we have a very short time frame to prove our worth. to create a raving fan base, create a movement and a follower-ship and make the impact that the world needs from us.   Our approach to life: how enthused, emotionally engrossed and spirited we are into our performance on this stage,- is what will determine wether the dent as we leave it, will be short-lived or sustained till eternity.   William Shak...

PIP 013: Why your smallest dream matters to the world.

In this episode I want to tell you: Why your smallest dream matters to the world. I believe in dreams no matter how small. This believe comes from the innovative concept of the “economy of Unscale” . I believe today, Small is the new Big and no matter how small your dream, the world can create a path for your success, so you can shine to the world and live your life as a love story.   Yes I know you always hear about, “economy of scale” and how good it is to be big and be able to swallow up the small guys, rule the world, Dictate the pace of the game, taking all there is to be taken.   The concept of Economy of scale propels companies to strive to expand, develop and penetrate into new markets and geographical territories. It is what gives them competitive advantage over the small scale organisations who also continues to complain about how lean, resource constrained and cash trapped they are. Start up entrepreneurs would often say “ if only we had the size and strength of tha...

PIP 012: Why you need to start creating your own luck today.

Hello and welcome to the Personal Innovation Podcast with me Eric Seyram. This podcast is Brought to you by , the platform that ignites your Dreams, Passions, Careers and Impact. Personal Innovation Hub is committed to getting you to think bigger about who you are, what you do and how you can impact the world in a unique way.   In this episode I want to tell you: Why you need to start creating your own luck today. Do you think some people are just born lucky? Or do you believe you make your own luck in life? Do you consider yourself to be lucky? Or not? There is a misconception that people who are successful are just ‘lucky’ – as if luck happens by chance; that successful people are at the right place at the right time, meeting the right people, making the right connections, clinching the right jobs and contracts through luck. I hear people say I didn't get that job, I couldn't get married last year, I don't get to make good friends because I am ju...

PIP 011: Why you must become a leader.

In this episode I want to tell you: Why you must become a leader. Are you scared of leadership? Do you tell your self ; “I am not cut out for leadership?” In the world of work, we have two types of people. There are those who are leaders and there are those who are followers. This has been the tradition, our way of life, our orientation, our psychological make up and the structure of the world. There has always been an emperor, a king, a governor, a president, a father; whose commands are final, who virtually thinks for us and decides for us. Leadership was a preserve for a certain group and calibre of people, Traditionally, there is a Royal family, whose descendants take up the leadership mantle. This is surely a good thing. It ensures law and order, it is our heritage, it is our culture. It is beautiful. Well, today as the world is changing, leadership is been redefined, diffused and liberalised. and no matter who you are, what you do and where you are from; You can lead and be follo...

PIP 10: What do you have to offer the world?

In this episode I want to ask you “ what do you have to offer the world?’ I believe the world and most of the things in it are mostly in is two folds, theres is darkness and there is light. Theres is good and there is evil. Theres is success and there is failure. One cannot be one and the other at the same time, but you can change from one to the other. Our goal is to be and be seen at the right side of the world. Where do you belong? Where are you going? I hope it is to that side where the world wants for us and from us. I guess you are asking your self, “ where does the world want from us and for us?’ This is the answer: It is for you to be the light that shines to the world, not that which darkens the world. Think about it in natural and practical terms: where is more conducive to stay, a brightened room or a dark room? How do you feel when all of a sudden a very illuminated room where you are, goes all dark and how do you feel when its lightened up again. Will you still keep a lig...

PIP 009: What is Personal Innovation?

Hello lovely people. Welcome to your motivational personal Innovation Podcast with me Eric Seyram. On this episode we shall go back to the basics. You may be wondering why I have founded the Personal Innovation Hub, why I manage the, why this podcast is called the Personal Innovation Podcast? Why I call myself a Personal Innovation Advocate / Evangelist and Coach. What is all this talk about Personal innovation? Well, it is not a new term, I just have decided to give it prominence because of how relevant it is for our day and time. If you have followed me a bit you will realise I am committing my whole life and career to preaching the good news about personal innovation. and I think it is crucial we first of all understand what the whole concept of personal innovation is. I tell you, We are in the Age of Personal Innovation. We all need to possess the ability to see new opportunities where others don’t, create new positions/careers that never existed, while un...

PIP 007: How to take advantage of the scarce Opportunities Available and Succeed in the midst of the Stiff Competition.

If you are a believer in dreams and an optimist like me, you will still have hope for the future, you will still believe in the fact that there are many opportunities out there, more than ever. Even though things might not be going the way you intended. Believe that, there are greater things ahead. We just have to think differently about who we are and what is within us that can act as the magnet to attract the very many disguised opportunities out there. Many of those who lose hope, complain about the economic challenges and the ever changing, turbulent nature of the business world. Jobs are not guaranteed, businesses are folding up, there is a global competition for every local business, Small businesses are struggling for there share of the market with their little mights against the global giants It is true, we are really facing very stiff competition in all spheres of life. Consumers, employers and any other person, who will be looking at engaging your services today is exposed to...

PIP 006: Why People will Hire your services or employ You and Why They Wont.

This is same as asking, what sells and what doesn't. If you have ever been rejected by a potential client or employer after putting in your all and even though you had the perfect qualifications, experience, capabilties and skills sets that met the job specifications , I know how bad that feels. You might have told your self “oh he hated me”, or “oh the recruitment process is not free and fair,” “perhaps you are thinking the HR and other existing staff are threatened with your experience and expertise” or “they had the vacancy filled with their friends and cronies”. May be you are one of the people who have come to the conclusion that, “the job market is now about whom you know, not what you know” Have you ever wondered why you did not get that gig even though every rational argument was in your favor? If you want to successfully sell any product, services, or get employed you need to know why people really buy what you are selling. the big why is always important and it is what ma...