PIP 030: How starting a Career as a Fitness Entrepreneur Can Help You Impact Lives With Randy Kotey

Are you thinking of becoming an Entrepreneur? Do you know your love for fitness can become that pivot to impact lives and live your life as a love story? Listen to this episode of your favourite motivational Personal Innovation Podcast and Randy will inspire you with his "love story." “Younovation Family”; Thank you very much for tuning in as always. I am Eric Seyram, your personal Innovation evangelist. My work is simply to make us all think bigger about who we are, what we do in a unique way and how we can change the world through doing what we love. Remember to Subscribe to the Personal Innovation Podcast on iTunes or apple podcast, and on android get it on stitcher app,  tunein app or any others that allows you to listen to podcasts. This podcast is where I present to you the love stories of wonderful people who are falling in love with themselves, living their dreams, passions and are creating careers that impacts the world. Do not forget to visit www. personalinnovationhub.com It is where you want to go if you are looking for information, knowledge and the inspiration to build a powerful career based on your dreams and passions and use it to impact the world. By the way you can email me; coaching@personalinnovationhub.com In this episode of your motivational Personal Innovation Podcast, I bring to you, today’s guest: Randy Kotey. He is a Fitness entrepreneur and our chat centred on "How starting a Career as a Fitness Entrepreneur Can Help You Impact Lives" About Randy Kotey: Fitness Entrepreneur.  Born and raised in Accra-Ghana, Randy's zeal for fitness started in high school. Over the four year period I he spent at Achimota Senior High, the quest to become a fitness model and coach started with a simple dream of self-improvement. In an effort to achieve his ideal body, he found himself continuously seeking ways to stay fit; in the school gym as well as on the sports field. Playing sports such as hockey, football, and handball, to mention a few, as well as his involvement on the athletics team, gave Randy a greater understanding of, and intensified his love for fitness. Randy's lifetime indulgence in fitness has led him to understand the mental and physical benefits of fitness. This is the foundation that drives him to help. His passion is to help lead as many people to their fitness goals as possible Randy Kotey takes pride in his clients’ success’ more than any other aspect of the program. The true value of his dream comes to light when he sees the results of his fitness program changing the lives of REAL PEOPLE. Randy believes that Success in fitness looks different for everyone. For some it’s losing pounds or inches. For others it means improved health conditions and a better overall state of mind. Regardless of where you’re at physically, mentally or emotionally, his accountability program can and will work for you. You too, can have the fulfillment of accomplishing your goals. Just give him the opportunity to be your coach and guide you to success! Now is your opportunity to be Fit And Healthy, Wherever You Are. “I believe when you work hard day in and day out with a plan of action, irrespective of failure, God and everything else would see to the success of it.”- RANDY KOTEY

Check out this episode!


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