
Showing posts from October, 2013

"Lets meet and Grow"

"Most successful men have not achieved their distinction by having some new talent or opportunity presented to them. They have developed the opportunity that was at hand." – Bruce Barton My Passion has always been about empowering you to succeed, through my personal branding coaching and reputation management consultancy services. it has and will always continue to be about you. I believe in dreams no matter how small. This believe comes from the concept of  the  "economy of unscale" . Yes I know you always hear about, economy of scale and how good it is to be big and be able to swallow up the small guys, taking all that is there to take. I tell you today, the tide is about to turn and has even already started. This is evidence from a series of breakthrough technologies and new business models that are making the old rule of  "bigger is better"  an obsolete philosophy. By exploiting the vast (but cheap) audience afforded by the Internet, and takin...

The LOVE Resolution Campaign

'Love yourself and others will love you too'  We are happy to introduce to you;  The Love Resolution Campaign  with the theme:  ‘love yourself and others will love you too.  The Love Resolution Campaign is a series of blog posts,  intimate and honest conversations between Big Thinkers and some other very interesting activities like  “Lets Meet and Grow”,  (a community for expressing our love stories) that will make a difference in our lives. It is the new reality and our new way of life. Now, if you are thinking; how will this work? How will it impacts my life positively? How will I make more money, make the right connections, clinch the best contracts by loving myself? I challenge you to be a part of this love Resolution and you will see the value. The first open secrete, you need to know, is that people who will employ you, hire your services or want to really pay you more, mostly will like to know how much  love you have for y...